Book Squirt

Outward Bound – Day Four, Part Sixteen

This entry is part 35 of 209 in the series Outward Bound

To read part fifteen of day four, click here.

When we were all finished packing our packs, Bobby was missing a water bottle, Luke was missing his jacket, and nobody knew what Ben was missing.

They had gotten something else for Ben to put his foot on, so I dragged my pack over to the trailer where all of the other packs were. I pulled out my black mat and headed over to where everyone was sitting for dinner. I put my mat down and within one minute I had two people sitting with me. 😀

I looked over at Luke and Bruce and started cracking up. They were taking a nap. But it didn’t look like they had intended to take a nap – it looked like they had sat down and keeled over. Their heads weren’t even on the mat! LOL

I guess they were tired after helping Ben?

It was time for dinner, and we were all hungry! I was glad to eat – I hadn’t eaten Snack with everyone earlier because I didn’t want to get thirstier, so now I was really hungry.

Dinner was Potato Chowder, Quinoa and Cornbread. It smelled delicious! I was just glad I didn’t have to make the cornbread – it looked like it was really complicated to cook.

The food arrived, and we woke up Luke and Bruce. They sat up and Luke asked what was for dinner. When he heard quinoa, he grimaced. He asked if it was the crunchy one, or the soft kind. I had no idea what he was talking about – I had never heard of a crunchy vs soft thing with quinoa… When we asked him why it mattered, he said that he liked one of them, but not the other. He couldn’t remember which one he liked though. LOL

Our instructors, Josh and Benji said to eat without them, but save them some food. We ate quickly, everyone eating as fast as they could because they were so hungry. At least, that’s why I ate so quickly. I think Luke ate so quickly so he could get it over with – he decided that we were having the kind he didn’t like. 😀

Despite being really hungry, I only ate 3/4 of my bowl. I was really starting to worry – I wasn’t eating enough. And I hadn’t eaten enough since the second evening. But I couldn’t force myself to eat anymore, so I handed my bowl to Bobby.

After dinner it was time to clean up, pack up our gear, filter water, etc. We had to get our water bottles filled by Kayce, pack up the rest of our stuff and take care of our camp chores. Jen told me that since some of the girls had cooked dinner for me and Luke, we should help with cleanup.

I hated cleanup. Scraping the pots was one of the worst jobs. Guess what job I got stuck with? Oh well – I didn’t have to cook the cornbread. That was what I kept telling myself. 🙂

The adults were all still talking. At least, Jen, Katie and Josh were talking to each other. Benji was talking to Jordan and Tullia. I wasn’t there for this conversation – I was cleaning the pots. But it became a crew joke, and by the sixth day we all knew the conversation as well as Jordan and Tullia did.

Apparently it went like this:

Jordan and Tullia: So, is Benji your real name? Or is it something like Benjamin?

Benji: No, no. It is not Benjamin. But you wouldn’t understand my real name – it is from Peru!

Jordan and Tullia: Oh, really? What is it?

Benji: It’s Benhamin!

Jordan and Tullia: Oh, so… Benjamin!

But when they repeated the story they didn’t just say it. They said it in “the voice”. I’m not even going to attempt to explain the voice. Let’s just say that it was something that all of the girls on my crew did, except me. I couldn’t get my voice to do it. 🙂 But two weeks after I got home, I managed to do it. (How do you explain that?!?)

I’m sorry if that didn’t seem really funny – it was funny at the time. I still find it funny, actually. But I have their voices in my head saying it. I can still hear them laughing so hard that everyone else would laugh with them, unable to stop. It was one of those laughs that would make you laugh, even if you didn’t find whatever it was funny. You would laugh just because they were laughing.

Random laughing at nothing happened pretty often on my trip. 😀

It was getting dark quickly, so I grabbed my headlamp put it on so I could see to finish the pots. We got them done and packed them up. It was time to get all of the packs in the trailer – someone packed up Ben’s stuff so we could get it in the trailer with the rest of them, and then it was time to get in the car.

Bobby helped Ben hop over – then we had to get him actually in the car.

Click here to read the next part of Day Four.

*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks to NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*

More in this series:<< Outward Bound – Day Four, Part FifteenOutward Bound – Day Four, Part Seventeen >>
Category: Outward Bound

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