Book Squirt

Outward Bound – Day Five, Part Three

This entry is part 40 of 209 in the series Outward Bound

To read part two of day five, click here.

I prayed that she wasn’t going to say anything that would make me feel worse – I already felt bad because we had lost their trust. But this time she was only sticking her head in to tell us that we were going to get our resupply bag, which had all of our clean clothes in it!

Clean clothes! The car erupted with cheering. After four days of wearing the same clothes, you really want to change. Katie told all of the boys to get out so the girls could change, and she tossed the girls clothing bag to us.

I was the girl closest to the front (where the bag was), so I pulled my clothes out quickly and passed the bag back. It was easy for me to find mine – I had rolled up all of my clothes in my shirt. The other girls had to sort out all of their clothes from the mix up. Each girl had two sets of clothes in there too, so that just made it more complicated.

Trying to change in the 15 passenger van was difficult. It was actually easiest for me, because I was the smallest and could fit more easily than the others. It didn’t help that the guys were walking around outside…

We managed to get changed relatively quickly, considering the circumstances. We got out of the car, our ducky suits on again. The boys grabbed their clothes bag and went running for the car. Jen told the girls to get our bowls and spoons – breakfast was almost ready.

That breakfast was fun, if not particularly yummy. *insert sarcasm here* I guess it would be fun if your idea of fun is standing around eating in the rain, water splashing in your breakfast and back up into your face. But that’s not really my idea of fun.

Breakfast that morning was cheesy grits. Now if you like grits, they would be ok. If you don’t like grits, like me…

Let’s just say that clumpy, tasteless pieces of potato with chunks of iffy looking cheese in it is not one of my favorite meals. I was one of the few who actually ate until they were full though. I looked around at my crewmates to see who was actually eating it – all of the guys except Kayce, and one or two of the girls. I think everyone who was actually eating it was dumping loads and loads of hot sauce on it. Except me, because I don’t like hot sauce.

Did I ever tell you that we didn’t call hot sauce, hot sauce? My crewmates all called it Texas Pete. The first time I heard that I just stared at them blankly – I had no idea what Texas Pete was. LOL I had to ask what it was, and then it was their turn to stare blankly at me.

“Brett? You don’t know what Texas Pete is?”

“Um, no. What is it?”

“Wow. I can’t believe you don’t know what Texas Pete is. It’s a type of hot sauce. They don’t call it Texas Pete in Indiana??”

“I don’t know about the rest of Indiana, but all my friends and my family call it hot sauce…”

They just looked at me like I was nuts. 😀

See, we were still having fun even though we were in disgrace. I just prayed that we would be out of disgrace soon.

We were sent back to the car, where we all took off our ducky suits immediately. We sat around, small conversations going on around me. I just sat there and thought about the day before. I laughed when I remembered singing kiddie songs while we were hiking down the mountain. I marveled over the fact that we had actually gotten Ben down that mountain. I smiled as I thought about our reaction to using a real bathroom.

Then I thought about what had happened that morning, and I realized that it would probably take a while to get Jen and Katie’s trust back. 🙁

Click here to read the next part of Day Five.

*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks to NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*

More in this series:<< Outward Bound – Day Five, Part TwoOutward Bound – Day Five, Part Four >>
Category: Outward Bound
  • Marsha Shelton says:

    Sorry, but I had to chuckle about your breakfast in the rain. Cheese grits are usually good, especially when cooked from scratch. They need lots of salt and pepper, though. And by the way, grits are made from corn or hominey, not potatoes. 🙂 I’m a Southern gal by birth, raised on grits. 🙂

    October 3, 2012 at 9:57 PM
    • Brett Jonas says:

      Glad it made you laugh! 😀 Oops – I just remember someone on my crew saying potato. Whatever it was, it was nasty! LOL


      October 4, 2012 at 7:14 AM

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