Book Squirt

Outward Bound – Day Five, Part Five

This entry is part 42 of 209 in the series Outward Bound

To read part four of day five, click here.

Every time we would get in the car someone from the back two rows, (one of the other girls) would ask for the radio. Usually within five minutes of us getting on the road. I always grinned when they said it, said I’d like music too, and then realize what I had just done. I had asked for music.

Normally that wouldn’t be a problem. But when we were in the car on Outward Bound, I was usually sitting next to Bruce, who was sitting next to Luke. And the two of them could be a dangerous combination. Especially when they started dancing.

Dancing is fun. I like dancing. However, when the two guys sitting next to you are dancing in a way that means they are constantly hitting you, it can get old quickly. I ended up leaning up against the other side of the car whenever they started dancing, leaning as far away from Bruce as I could.

He didn’t even realize that I was leaning away from him, he was having so much fun. I didn’t spoil their fun, I just learned to recognize what songs would get them going and I would lean away from them as I could once I could tell what song it was. 😀

As far as I can remember, there were only two songs that set them to dancing, but we heard them really, really often. The two songs? Call Me Maybe and What Makes You Beautiful. I heard those songs so often that when I got home, they were stuck in my head. They are still stuck in my head actually.

The problem is that they are stuck in my head, being sung by Luke and Bruce. Yes, I have songs stuck in my head with my crewmates singing them. It can get pretty bad, especially when I get to the chorus of Call Me Maybe.

Let’s just say that Luke does not have a very good soprano voice. *winces as his voice rings through her head*

The other thing we did in the car was a lot of fun for me. Apparently yellow is the least common color in the set of standard colors for cars. So every time you see a yellow car, you yell out “Yellow car!” and you get to punch the person who is playing the game with you. That car can not be used again, and the other person can’t punch you back unless they see a yellow car. If you both see it, the first one to say yellow car gets to punch the other person.

Luke started it. Out of the blue he punched Bruce. When Bruce asked him “What was that for?!?” Luke said “I saw a yellow car. Don’t you play the yellow car game?”

It probably wasn’t a good idea, but I asked Luke what the yellow car game was. He explained, and then punched Bruce again.

“Yellow car!”

Bruce frowned, staring out the window.

“Ha! Yellow car!”

He punched Luke and the yellow car game began in earnest. After about fifteen minutes of looking, I found a yellow car before Luke or Bruce did. I reached across Bruce and punched Luke.

“Yellow car!”

Luke looked at me in surprise.

“You’re going to play the game? That means I can punch you, you know that right?”

I didn’t even have time to respond before he looked out the window, saw a yellow car and punched me. I yelped – he punches hard! I rubbed my shoulder and glared at him.

“You’re the one who wanted to play!”

I leaned away from him and thought about my options. I could continue to get beat up, or I could tell him that I wanted to quit the game. I didn’t want to quit, for two reason. Number one, I’m a Jonas, and Jonases are not quitters. Number two, I was having fun! It didn’t hurt too badly, and it was fun getting to punch Luke. I wasn’t going to punch Bruce – it was more fun reaching across Bruce and punching Luke before he knew what I was doing.

Luckily, I didn’t have to quit, or get beat up. 😀

**Just to clarify, we were not maliciously hurting each other. We were having fun. 🙂 **

Click here to read the next part of Day Five.

*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks to NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*

More in this series:<< Outward Bound – Day Five, Part FourOutward Bound – Day Five, Part Six >>
Category: Outward Bound
  • Grammy says:

    You are right, Jonases are not quitters. I bet you had to remind yourself of that once you got to the water/canoes. I am loving this retell – keep going.

    October 5, 2012 at 4:33 PM
    • Brett Jonas says:

      Yep, I did have to remind myself. Jen and Katie had to help remind me too!

      I’m glad you are loving it! One of the reason I am doing this is for you and Grandma. 🙂

      Love you!

      October 5, 2012 at 7:47 PM

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