Book Squirt

Outward Bound – Day Twelve, Part Fifteen

This entry is part 174 of 209 in the series Outward Bound

To read part fourteen of day twelve, click here.

Whoever was in the front picked up the pace, and the rest of us matched it. We were so excited to almost be there!

“Hey, look! It’s another way to the top! Beat you there!”

One of the guys had found another trail leading up to the top. He jumped out of the line and started climbing up, one or two of the others following him.

Katie came up from behind us and called them down.

“You need to get back down here, right now. We need to stay on this trail.”

They came down, grumbling the whole way.

“We were almost there. I could see the top!”

“Can’t believe she made us come down. We were right there.”

Jen started speaking from behind us.

“Katie and I are going to join you now. Please stick to the trail.”

The talking stopped as we started off again. We were so close! I was pretty happy at the moment – we were almost to the top, and I hadn’t called a break in almost an hour. We’d stopped a couple of times, but not because of me! I wasn’t slowing the crew down.

Well, I thought that too soon. The trail changed again, and this time the rocks were even bigger. It didn’t slow me down too much, but the front of the line was definitely going faster than I was.

But it didn’t take long to get past those large rocks, and I caught back up quickly after that. I caught up just in time – a few seconds after I caught up, we reached the top!

Click here to read the next part of Day Twelve.

*Everything here is from my own memory and may not be correct. Outward Bound is not responsible for anything I post here. Thanks too NCOBS for letting me use their photos.*

More in this series:<< Outward Bound – Day Twelve, Part FourteenOutward Bound – Day Twelve, Part Sixteen >>
Category: Outward Bound

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