Book Squirt

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today isn’t the best birthday – it’s snowing out, we’re stuck in the soaproom because of the goats, and we’re all really tired.  But because it’s a birthday, that automatically makes it better. 🙂 We’ve had a bit of a lazy day, sleeping in and not doing anything unless it’s necessary.

Since I had some time, I looked through old pictures to see if I could come up with any of me and Mom. There were only a couple, and most of them had someone else in them. But the ones I were able to come up with had lots of memories attached

This one reminds me of the time Mom, Indigo and I went down to Florida to sell soap at Grandma’s community festival. Grandma bought us the plane tickets, and she wanted us to get there as soon as possible. So she bought the tickets for 5:30 in the morning. LOL

Ready to go at 3 am

In this picture, Mom and I are making soap. This was back before Dad was home full time, and this was when our batches were so small we could do them in a 5lb bucket. That green pitcher there held the milk, and we had these really uncomfortable goggles that we had to wear. They always fogged up on you – I hated those things. LOL

Me and Mom making soap

This picture reminds me of different days, a long time ago. There’s no bookcase filled with soap behind me, so we hadn’t started the business yet. And those are our old couches in them – we had to buy new ones because the springs started coming out of those. It seems couches aren’t meant to hold up to 8 kids jumping on them. *looks around innocently*

Hewitt, Mom, Indigo, and me

There were some more, but this is all I had time to get up here. I’ve got to go help clean up so we can have some family time. 🙂

I just spent an hour looking at pictures so I could say Happy Birthday, Mom. It’s a good thing I wasn’t supposed to be doing something else! 😀

Oh yeah – Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you so much!

Category: My Life

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